Home gatherings

Come and join us!

You are so welcome to join us here at HopeChurch Harrow View. We are a warm and welcoming Christian community where you will feel right at home, so please feel free to try out one of our Sunday gatherings.

We meet at Andrew & Vicky’s home on Dukes Avenue on the second Sunday of the month and Ben & Rachael’s flat on Harrow View on the fourth Sunday of the month. We have a relaxed start at 10.30am with coffee, refreshments and catching up with each other. Then from 11am we sing some worship songs, look at the Bible together and open up a relaxed discussion about how it speaks into our lives and the big issues in our culture. There’s usually some crafty fun for kids and adults to enjoy, and space to pray for each other and our wider community.

Sharing a meal together at one of our regular fortnightly home gatherings

Our home gatherings usually involve plenty of food, conversation and creativity!




Craft and games at the Moat Cafe!

Children and families are at the heart of what we are about at HopeChurch Harrow View. Our aim is to make sure our gatherings are simple and accessible to children, with lively songs and opportunities for them to be involved in readings, crafts, games, prayers and shared all age conversations. All of our leaders are DBS-checked in line with our safeguarding policy.


We love young people!  For those aged 12-18 years we want them to connect with Jesus and one another in two ways. We believe that young people grow in their faith by playing an active part in both Sunday services and also serving in the mission and outreach of the community, learning from their peers and also from different generations. We also recognise the important of being part of something specifically tailored to young people, so we encourage them to be part of The Gathering which is hosted at St Peter’s Church Harrow at 6.30pm on Sunday evenings where young people from across different churches come together to spend time together, enjoy lively worship and grow as followers of Jesus.